Where do I find AIPMM exam prep materials?

In the Exam Preparation section of your self-study course, the AIPMM CPM/CPMM Exam Preparation Guide instructs you to review the AIPMM-badged slides and handouts and to watch the supplemental modules.

To find AIPMM-badged slides, page through the course until you see the badge in the upper right corner, as shown in the example below. Continue through the course until you have reviewed all AIPMM-badged slides.

aipmm badge slide

To access handouts:

  1. In the left navigation panel, click to expand RESOURCES.
  3. On the right, click View / Download for a handout.
  4. Click the downloaded PDF file to open it.

handout download screen

You can find the supplemental modules in the EXAM PREPARATION section of the left navigation panel. 

Here are the one's for Certified Product Manager:

supplemental modules cpm screen

And here are the ones for Certified Product Marketing Manager:

supplemental modules cpmm screen